Tag: 2011

  • BMW at the 2011 ADAC Nürburgring 24HR

    BMW at the 2011 ADAC Nürburgring 24HR

    I’m sure it’s obvious by now that I have an affinity for a particular German manufacturer. Growing up in a Ford household, which was part of a Ford family, I don’t think I ever saw myself as a BMW sort of person growing up. After pushing the usual stereotypes aside, I quickly came to appreciate…

  • Resolutions


    I don’t know if it’s just me or do the years seem to be passing by faster and faster? I can hardly believe we’re already looking back over our shoulders at 2011 with 2012  laid out before us. If I’m honest, 2011 seems to have passed me by. With an increased workload, I think I…

  • 2011




    2010 has quite simply been the most incredible year for myself and the company. Evolving from a part time staff member at a local Blockbuster to a full time professional photographer has been quite a jump. Some 45,000 photographs at near 600GBs, 22 events, 4 weddings, 200+ stories published, 25,000 miles, 5 countries and that…