
I don’t know if it’s just me or do the years seem to be passing by faster and faster? I can hardly believe we’re already looking back over our shoulders at 2011 with 2012  laid out before us.

If I’m honest, 2011 seems to have passed me by. With an increased workload, I think I defaulted to an almost automated method of photography during the middle of the year. Looking back, I think I should have done a lot better with the opportunities that presented themselves. Having had some breathing space over the holiday period, I’ve had the chance to identify key areas which I aim to improve upon in 2012 and beyond. I don’t think my photography was in any way poor last year, in fact I’ve probably taken some of my best shots in 2011. I just think I could have done better is all.

Some of the areas I’ll be approaching differently in the future will be my preparation, process of shooting and post-processing. I’ve quite a rigid methodology in how I shoot – which although has served me well in the past, I’m now looking to change by improvising and taking more risks. My post-processing is strangely the opposite – I’m always changing and modifying how I’ll edit a shoot afterwards. From here on out I plan on doing much lighter processing in my regular coverage and more thorough processing in my commercial work. I want to create two very different styles that somehow can both be instantly recognized as my work.

I’m currently in the process of re-building my print portfolio, something which I’ve neglected since finishing my degree. I also hope to keep this blog more updated with more behind the scenes posts along with my own thoughts on current affairs relating to the photography industry.

Before I finish up my ramblings, I just want to say a huge thanks to all my clients who I have worked with in 2011. I wouldn’t be living my dream if it wasn’t for each and every one of you. Thank you.

I also want to thank my family, friends, mentors and co-workers for their constant support. You rock.

So, let’s see what 2012 has in store …

Paddy McGrath